study aims to determine the procedure and to assess the quality of test
instrument development to measure students' high-order thinking skill on
mathematics in Junior High School in Makassar. The type of this research is a
Research and Development with formative research model through 4 phases:
preliminary, self-evaluation, prototyping and field test. The research subjects
were the students of class VIII Junior High School in Makassar. The results of
the instrument validity test was valid because in CVI (Content Validity Index)
and CVR (Content Validity Ratio) the total average score was 1 with category
very appropriate or at the interval 0.68 - 1.00. The result of student response
test is 68.5% on positive category because more than 50% students responded
positively. The reliability test indicated that the total average score was
0.923 with very high category (reliable) because it was at the interval
Source: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012169/meta