The Students' Errors in Answering Geometric Tests with Newman Procedures

  • 03:19 WITA
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This study aims to describe the kinds of the students' errors and the factors causing the errors in answering math tests of geometry subject based on Newman procedures. The study used descriptive qualitative method. The research findings showed that the percentages of the students' errors in answering math test of flat side space shape based on Newman procedures were: (a) the percentage of the students' reading error was 17%, (b) the percentage of the students' conceptual understanding error was 74%, (c) the percentage of the students' transformation error was 83%, (d) percentage of the students' process skill error was 87%, and (e) the percentage of the students' errors in answer writing was 100%. The total percentage of the students' errors was 72%. The factors that caused the students' errors were that the students were not fluent in reading the tests and the students were lack of knowledge about signs in mathematic tests; the students did not have ability in writing what they knew and what was being asked in the tests correctly; the students did not master the subject of flat side space shape; the students were lack of practice in doing the exercises; the students only did the tests randomly; the students did not like math lesson; the students did not understand the method used in answering the tests correctly; the students did not understand the formula used; and the students were in hurry in doing the test.
